WDesignKit provides a seamless way to edit the information of widgets or blocks, empowering you to customize and update them effortlessly. Whether you need to modify titles, descriptions, or other relevant details, the editing process is straightforward and user-friendly.
Requirement – This feature is a part of The WDesignKit, make sure it’s installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.
You can easily edit the information of your widget or block from the WDesignKit app.
Note: In order to edit the information of your widget or block, it must be uploaded to the WDesignKit server.
Once logged into the WDesignKit app, go to Widgets > Uploaded.
Go to the widget or block you want to edit, click on the three dots, and then click Edit.
It will take you to the edit page, where you can edit the information.
Title – Here, you can edit the title.
Description – This is an optional field, here, you can add a description.
Short Introduction – This is an optional field, here, you can add short details.
Demo URL – This is an optional field, here, you can add the preview URL.
Tutorial URL – This is an optional field, here, you can add the tutorial URL of your widget or block.
Features – This is an optional field, here, you can add your widget or block features.
If you have added an external JS file in the widget editor, you can add its name and size (in KB) by clicking the +Add more JS button.
If you’ve added multiple js files click on the +Add more JS button in the popup, and you’ll get additional fields where you can add different js file names and sizes separately.
Similarly, you can add the external CSS file name and size (in KB) by clicking on the +Add more CSS button. If you’ve added multiple CSS files click on the +Add more CSS button in the popup, and you’ll get additional fields where you can add different CSS file names and sizes separately.
You can also add the external jQuery file name and size (in KB) by clicking on the +Add more JQuery button. If you’ve added multiple jQuery files click on the +Add more JQuery button in the popup, and you’ll get additional fields where you can add different jQuery file names and sizes separately.
From the Status dropdown, you can set the visibility of your widget or block. Here you’ll find two options –
Private – This will make your widget or block private. In this mode, only you can access your widget or block. You can also share your private widget or block privately through your workspace. Learn more.
Public – This will make your widget or block public. In this mode, all other WDesignKit users can access your widget or block.
Note: By default, the visibility will be set to private.
You can change the publish date for your widget or block from the Date field.
In the Manage tab, you can see the page builder of your widget or block in the Page Builder dropdown.
From the Category dropdown, you can change the category of your widget or block.
Similarly, you can change the tags for your widget or block from the Tags dropdown.
You can add an image to your widget or block from the Featured Image tab.
Once done, click on the Save button to update the information.
You’ll see this information in the widget single page of the WDesignkit website.