With WDesignKit, exporting your Elementor widgets or Gutenberg blocks from your site to the cloud is a seamless process. This feature allows you to easily upload your custom widgets or blocks to the WDesignKit server, making them accessible and shareable across different projects. Whether you want to back up your creations, collaborate with others, or make them available for public use, exporting your widgets or blocks to the cloud offers convenience and flexibility.
Requirement – This feature is a part of The WDesignKit, make sure it’s installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.
First, login into your account from the WDesignKit plugin page.
From the WDesignKit plugin page, go to the My Widget page.
Go to the widget you want to upload, click on the three dots, and then click Push Widget.
Note: You can do the same by clicking on the Edit option and then the Push button on the widget editor page.
It will open Add Sync details popup, here, you’ll see the current version and the latest version.
Note: While uploading the widget for the first time the latest version field will be disabled.
You can also add changelogs, click on the +Add more button to add multiple changelog items.
Once done, click on the Update button it will upload your widget to the server.

To check your uploaded widgets go to the WDesignKit website and log into your account.
Then go to Widgets > Uploaded.
Here you’ll see your uploaded widgets.

By uploading your custom widget or block in the cloud, you can use your widgets or blocks across different websites, keep multiple versions of your widgets or blocks, and share your widgets or blocks privately with others using workspace.