Figma has revolutionized how designers collaborate and create, and with our extensive collection of templates at WDesignKit, your creative possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting, our library offers hundreds of professionally crafted templates to kickstart your projects.
With our Figma templates, you’ll get the complete website design with multiple inner pages, you can edit those Figma files as per your requirements.
You can download the Figma templates from the WDesignKit web app only.
To download a Figma template, you must have an account on the WDesignKit website.
1. Once you are logged into your account from, in the header menu go to Templates > Figma Templates.

2. You’ll find all the available Figma templates free and paid, click on the template you want to download.
Note: To download the pro templates, you need to have a WDesignKit Pro or UiChemy Pro account and activate the license in WDesignKit.
Note: Templates with the Figma and UiChemy logos are UiChemy compatible, with just a few clicks you can easily convert the templates into a WordPress website using UiChemy.
3. On the next page you’ll find all the relevant information about the template, just click on the Download button and it will download the Figma file in ‘.fig’ file format.
Now you can import the file in the Figma app and edit as per your requirements.
To do so in the Figma app, you have to click on Import > From your computer and you have to select the downloaded file.